
Thursday, October 20, 2016

A Happy Mistake

As you can see from my past posts, I'm a huge fan of Kauni Yarn. I had a beautiful Fall colorway I wanted to weave, so I wound the warp. I was so excited to get this project onto my loom that I made a mistake I've never made before. I began chaining my warp and then realized that I didn't tie the cross! 

I was devastated. The gorgeous ombré that I was going for was now a jumble of color. After a minute or two, I realized that it might still work. Instead of trying to figure out where each thread should go, in color order, I just began sleying & threading. 

I had planned on weaving plain weave & then experimenting with 6 shaft M's & W's. I decided to go ahead with that plan however the warp came out. As I had hoped, the colors blended together seamlessly. Here are my happy results...

Plain weave on the loom....

M's & W's on the loom....

Just off the loom....

The finished product 😀

Happy Weaving!

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